Thursday, May 30, 2024

Vacation Intro

Our trek across the country begins soon. You are invited to follow us on this adventure!

As many of my readers are aware, Angela is retiring today, May 30, after over 40 years of working various jobs since high school. The vast majority of that time (since January 1985) has been at Fazzari's Finest  in Clarkston. In all that time, she has only been able to take a single week of vacation at a time. It's time for a long vacation!

The genesis of this vacation dates back to the summer of 2022 when her brother, Dale, came out to help take care of Mom and Dad's estate. Dale manages vacation rentals in Oklahoma and told each of his sisters they needed to come out and stay in one of his cabins for a few days. 

Again, as you are aware, Angela and I ride with CMA which is headquartered near Mena Arkansas, about an hour's ride from Dale's cabins. It so happens that CMA is holding their national rally there this year. So, it makes sense to come out and visit Dale and his family then head over to the rally. That makes for a great vacation, right? But Those who know Angela also know she loves to vacation at the beach and tour lighthouses. So, after booking our time in one of Dale's cabins and securing our spot at the motorcycle rally in Arkansas, Angela said she still wants to go to the coast! I tell her the closest coast to where we'll be is 10 hours away but I'm not too excited about going there. 

"Well, what about that place on the coast you're always talking about?"

"Pensacola, Florida?"

"Yeah, that. How far is that?"

"About 12 hours..."

"Is there a lighthouse there?"


"I want to go there!"

So, Pensacola Florida was added to our travel plans. As this trip began to grow in complexity and miles to be traveled, it became evident that we were going to be on the road for more than a couple weeks. Another plan we had made was to attend the Idaho state rally in Challis. To go to Oklahoma, Arkansas and Florida, then attend our state rally, we'd no sooner get back home then turn around barely a week later and travel to Challis. I figured we may as well stay on the road that extra week and attend the rally in Challis before returning home.

In all, we're planning to be on the road for six weeks. Six weeks of traveling to places Angela has never been to (she's never been east of Butte Montana). Memories will be made and pictures will be taken. If you're reading this, it's likely you will want to know where we go and who we visit. That's where this blog comes in. Rather than try to show everyone pictures and  remember all the details after we return, I have decided to chronicle our vacation and post it on this blog as we go so all of our friends and family can keep up with us. 

We are super excited to share this special vacation with everyone as we plan to visit sixteen states! Angela has had this coming for a loooong time and she deserves it. 

We have plans to visit a lot of interesting places almost every day so I will try to post our adventures daily. Stay tuned, our vacation begins in a couple weeks. While you're waiting for vacation photos and stories, check out the rest of this blog. (If motorcycling and testimonies are your thing.)

God bless you all. Have a wonderful summer!

A Motorcycle Museum in Kansas.

On our way through Kansas, we encountered the  St. Francis Motorcycle Museum . This museum is a must-see, even if it takes you a...