Sunday, June 30, 2024

Blue Angels, A Lighthouse and Lots of Memories

     The Blue Angels lining up for take off

On Wednesday, June 26, we went aboard NAS Pensacola to see the Blue Angels practice. The show was amazing. I first saw the Blue Angels for over 40 years ago it doesn't get old. Angela was just flabbergasted. Especially when the one pilot buzzed the crowd! 🤣

I took video of them but my blog won't let me post videos. Just as well... How good a video can you shoot with a cellphone? Google the Blue Angels or look them up on YouTube to see much better videos than I could ever post.

Angela loves to visit lighthouses. We visited the lighthouse on NAS Pensacola.

A bit about the lighthouse that I never knew.

We attempted to climb the steps but turned back... Those steps were STEEP! All 177 of them.

A final look at NAS Pensacola. These water towers are just a stone's throw from where I worked. 

Of course, access to the area where I worked is restricted so we weren't able to go by there. Still, many memories came flooding back while we were there. It meant the world to me to be able to share all of this with Angela. And it has been a blessing sharing all of this with my readers. Keep the comments coming... And share the links!

Until next time, blessings to all.

Arnold and Angela.

1 comment:

  1. we really enjoy reading your your blog makes us feel that we were there with you watching the blue Angels above the crowd
