Monday, January 29, 2024

Riding in January

Ready to ride on a beautiful January day! I can tell you, when I snapped this picture, it was a full 60° warmer than it was when I took this one a bit more than two weeks earlier:

It's still winter. Cold and rainy weather, even a bit of snow, is in the forecast but today, I'm enjoying the sunshine. 

The preceding post was published earlier today (1/29/24). Now for the rest of the story... (Apologies to Paul Harvey)


Okay... I'm home from work now. It was a beautiful day today. One of those days where it would have been a sin not to ride.

Winter riding is definitely a possibility here in the L-C Valley but one has to be careful. While the streets were covered with ice, the city kept the roads well sanded. When the snow melted, the gravel remained. You may as well ride over ball bearings as loose gravel. Fortunately, the city has been cleaning up most of the gravel from the streets over the past couple days so riding has been fairly safe.

Another post-winter hazard is the rider's skills diminishing. When I got my endorsement, I was taught in my riders' safety course that riding skills are perishable. Well, I experienced that today. It has only been about 5 weeks since my last ride, but I found myself not so sure about a couple situations... I had even forgotten how to engage reverse on my bike. (When riding a Goldwing, reverse is a necessity unless you have a 38" inseam and can leg press a thousand pounds or more.) It didn't take long for my riding skills to deteriorate. They weren't badly deteriorated but it was still noticeable. 

Let us hold resolutely to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25 BSB

Of course, I'm going to draw a parallel between this and the Christian walk... Even those of us who have been believers for decades, not getting into the Word, not praying or not being in fellowship with others causes our walk to deteriorate. We don't have the strength we used to when we face trials and temptations. The world tends to drag us down like it did when we weren't as mature.  The secret is to stay in the Word. Keep the prayer channels open. Stay connected to others who will build you up in the faith!

In this way, riding is like the life of faith... Well, almost. There are times when I would be foolish to be out riding around. But in my life of faith, I'd be foolish to take a break from the Word or connecting with others. 

I'll never get tired of finding so many parallels between my riding hobby and my relationship with God!

God bless!


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