Thursday, June 27, 2024

CMA National Rally

The iconic (to CMA folks) bell tower at Iron Mountain, Hatfield Arkansas.

After resting for a bit at Dale and Anna's, we scooted an hour up the road to the CMA headquarters for their annual National Rally. 

Iron Mountain is situated on the edge of the Ouachita (wah-shee-ta) National Forest. The Ouachita Mountains are near their more famous neighbor, the Ozark Moutains.

A shot of the Swimmin' Hole Skedaddle we rode on...

The Pavilion on Iron Mountain hangs chapter banners from all the chapters in the nation. Here's ours.

Being this year's Rally was held in Arkansas, the theme was what else? Dress like a hillbilly.

Our regional evangelists Doug and Teri knock the hillbilly thing out of the park. Check out the Minnie Pearl look-alike in the background.

The Saturday parade and bike games in downtown Mena was an absolute hoot!

Angela and Teri South hit it off over the (extended) weekend. Very special friendships were forged at the rally. We were blessed beyond measure!

Well, that's it for now. We're having a bit of down time in Florida. I'm catching up on catching y'all up...

More very soon.

Blessings from Arnold and Angela.


  1. Love traveling along with you! Great outfits for Hillbilly time!

  2. Love all the posts!
